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Sviluppatori Grafica e design
Sviluppatore KomSoft
4.99 USD

QLMesh is small but useful QuickLook plugin showing a preview of various well-known 3D model formats. All formats provided by the Open Asset Import Library (http:// are supported:
3d, 3ds, 3mf, ac, ac3d, acc, amf, ase, ask, assbin, b3d, blend, bvh, cob, csm, dae, dxf, enff, fbx, glb, gltf, hmp, ifc, ifczip, irr, irrmesh, lwo, lws, lxo, md2, md3, md5anim, md5camera, md5mesh, mdc, mdl, mesh, mesh.xml, mot, ms3d, ndo, nff, obj, off, ogex, pk3, ply, pmx, prj, q3o, q3s, raw, scn, sib, smd, stl, stp, ter, uc, vta, x, x3d, x3db, xgl, xml, zgl.

Additionally QLMesh is providing a preview for compressed texture formats: dds, etc/pkm and pvr (including multi-image support for mipmaps).

New in version 2 is support for Adobe Photoshop brush files (ABR - only image-based) and bitmap fonts (BDF).